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The Babes discuss the differences between moving back to your hometown and moving HOME, along with all the craziness that comes with being back where you’re from. Charlotte might be going brunette, and if you own an empty house in New York let her know! We wish someone would’ve given us this advice before we graduated, so we’re passing it on to you. The stigma of moving home after college can leave people with feelings of guilt, but post-grad looks different for everyone. Focus on the life you want first, then choose a career that will allow you to live that life. When you’re post-grad, structure is super important. Whether you’re getting into plants like Charlotte, witchy things like Emily, or are an “it girl” like Emily’s roommate, self care is necessary! And remember, GO TO THERAPY! Finally, Charlotte leaves us with some words of wisdom: “If you’re depressed, no you’re not.

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